1: 1. Agent Tony DiNozzo returns. 2. Ziva David's story continues. 3. Team reunites in new mission. 4. Their daughter joins the team. 5. Gibbs makes a surprise appearance.

2: 6. Tony and Ziva face danger. 7. Family secrets are revealed. 8. Romance ignites between teammates. 9. Epic finale shocks fans. 10. New spinoff launched with familiar faces.

3: 11. Tension builds among characters. 12. Betrayal threatens team unity. 13. Unexpected alliances form. 14. Past demons resurface. 15. Tony and Ziva's relationship deepens.

4: 16. Mystery surrounds new villain. 17. Flashbacks reveal tragic past. 18. Action-packed fight scenes. 19. Emotional moments tug at heartstrings. 20. Cliffhanger leaves fans guessing.

5: 21. Team faces impossible odds. 22. Tony and Ziva's connection tested. 23. Intrigue and espionage dominate. 24. Cameos from beloved NCIS characters. 25. Spinoff sets up potential crossovers.

6: 26. Tony's humor lightens tense moments. 27. Ziva's skills shine in missions. 28. Daughter proves her worth. 29. Team dynamics evolve. 30. The truth behind Tony and Ziva's past revealed.

7: 31. Unexpected twists keep viewers hooked. 32. Political intrigue threatens team. 33. High-stakes missions push limits. 34. Resurrecting old enemies brings danger. 35. Spinoff's success hints at future seasons.

8: 36. Team confronts personal demons. 37. Tony and Ziva's love story unfolds. 38. Unexpected alliances forged. 39. Explosive confrontations shake team. 40. Paramount's hit series captivates audiences worldwide.

9: 41. Tony and Ziva stand united. 42. Daughter matures into formidable agent. 43. Finale brings closure and new beginnings. 44. Spinoff's legacy cemented in TV history. 45. Fans clamor for more Tony and Ziva adventures.